i872272.luna.fhict.nl |
this webpage and Container Visualizer 3D |
app1i872272.luna.fhict.nl |
Send email on backend |
app2i872272.luna.fhict.nl |
Celsius Converter webservice/backend (Swagger) |
app3i872272.luna.fhict.nl |
Demo of using three different WebGL Unity builds (uncompressed, gzip, brotli) |
app4i872272.luna.fhict.nl |
SQL School readonly statistics API (Swagger) |
app5i872272.luna.fhict.nl |
Reserved / in use |
app6i872272.luna.fhict.nl |
Container Visualizer 3D v2 (SignalR) |
app7i872272.luna.fhict.nl |
not used |
app8i872272.luna.fhict.nl |
not used |
app9i872272.luna.fhict.nl |
not used |
app10i872272.luna.fhict.nl |
Test - Authentication with Identity Server |